Aug 6, 2018

11th iPhone Photography Awards Finalists Announced

The iPhone Photography Awards was founded by photographer and designer Kenan Aktulun in 2007 when the first iPhone appeared. Aktulun enjoys the authenticity and emotion captured in spontaneous iPhone photos and created the contest to facilitate the sharing of these genuine moments.

Mobilographers from more than 140 countries submitted their best images this year. The grand prize winner is an image entitled ‘Displaced’, taken by Jashim Salam from Bangladesh, shows a group of children at a screening about health and sanitation.

‘Displaced’ by Jashim Salam. Grand Prize Winner: Photographer of the Year

The contest is open to everyone, not just professional artists or photographers. Amongst this year’s winners, there were graphic designers, architects, a historian, an engineer, and a software analyst. Entrants are not allowed to use desktop editing software, like Photoshop, but IOS software can be used to edit the images.

Have a look at some of our this year’s favorite finalist.

‘Be like Wes Anderson’ by Magdelena de Jonge Malucha. 3rd place: Trees

‘The Union of Colors’ by Edwina Loyola. 2nd place: Abstract category

‘Sunset vibes’ by Ruslan Zabulonov. 3rd place: Sunset category

‘Salamah’ by Scott Woodward. 1st place: Portrait

‘I want to play’ by Zarni Myo Win. 3rd place: Photographer of the Year category

‘The Kerid’ by Naian Feng. 3rd place: Landscape category

‘0 to not-quite-seagull-speed in 60 seconds’ by Katie Wall. 2nd place: Animals category 

Entries for the 12th Annual iPhone photography contest are accepted until March 31, 2019.

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